Fundy Circuit and Fundy Footpath Adventures
Have questions?
We'll be hosting and info night!
​Watch for the 2025 dates and location of the Info Nights.
FC 3 day Adventure: Intro to Backpacking July 4-6, 2025
FFP 4 day Adventure: July 18-21, 2025
FFP 5 day Adventure: August 14-18, 2025
or email us at hello@InStepAdventures.ca to start planning your private backpacking Adventure now!
Join us on your choice of an exciting guided 3 day Intro to Backpacking Adventure on the Fundy Circuit, or a 4 or 5 day Fundy Footpath Adventure that will equip you to make future treks on your own. ​
Have you always thought about hiking the Fundy Foot Path, but weren't sure if you could do it or wanted to do it on your own?
SIGN UP - Of course YOU CAN! - and we'll help you get there! Come to our Info Night for an over view and to ask all your questions! Based on the information, decide whether you're up for a 4 day, or a 5 day adventure and sign up accordingly.
EQUIP - Don't think you have the gear? No problem! With gear rentals from Outdoor Elements, you don't have to invest in buying anything - just come and try out stuff! Learn what works for your own personal requirements.
OPTIMIZE - We’ll provide a gear list and go through all the prep of what you'll need and what you don’t. We’ll meet together, with your stuff,, and show you how to efficiently pack your pack!
ADVENTURE - After that, there's only one thing left to do – START HIKING! We'll head off, enjoying and completing this challenging but extraordinary coastal trail together, every step of the way!
CONFIDENCE – This hike will be guided by professional adventurers, who will provide a safe, fun, interesting, enjoyable, and informative experience where you will learn tips and tricks, meet some new friends, and revel in the coastal vistas. You will finish with the confidence to plan and undertake your own epic adventures!
LIMITED SPOTS! Max group size will be 8 people, don’t miss this opportunity!
Private Adventure for 1-6p: $200/person/day; 7-8p: $150/person/day
Booking now for 2025
Find it under 'Special Events'